Questions and Answers from Darshan

Each item in this section is a group of questions posed to Babaji and his answers. These sessions occurred during Satsang meetings, at retreats, and during classes. ( satsaṅga: सत्संग ) They are searchable by date, by location, by key terms, and by contributor. A contributor is someone who participated in the session, either by asking the question, reading the answer on the chalkboard, or by transcribing the session. If you are interested in finding all Questions and Answers on a specific subject, use the Subject list on the right hand side of the page or try our special topics area.


Collections of this Community

Now showing 1 - 8 of 8
  • Bhagavad Gita Class Darshan
    The Bhagavad Gītā tells the story of the inner battle that rages between the positive and negative energies that are within each individual (bhagavadgītā: भगवद्गीता ). Babaji, in his commentary and through his answers to questions during darśana reminds us that this battle is waged as we struggle to achieve self-development and ultimately freedom from the bondage of ego, attachment and desires. ( darśana: दर्शन )
  • Other darshan
    Darśana that occurred in miscellaneous locations; in a car during MMNC commute, personal darśana, and etc. ( darśana: दर्शन )
  • Retreats
  • Salt Spring Yoga Center
  • Satsaṅga Meetings at all Locations
    Satsaṅga meetings of the Hanuman Fellowship Society occurred most Sundays and included kirtan, meditation, and darsana. The transcripts of the questions and ansewrs by Baba Hari Dass in those darsana periods make up this collection. (Hanuman: हनुमन् ; kīrtana: कीर्तन ; satsaṅga: सत्सङ्ग )
  • Saturday Meditation Class Darshan (Before and/or After)
  • Saṁyama Retreat
    As described in Book III of the Yoga Sūtra of Patañjali, saṁyama is a rapid turn of concentrated mind meditating on an object and falling into samādhi on that object. This gives awareness of the subtlety of that object and enhances the powers and knowledge of the yogi. Baba Hari Dass led this retreat pertaining to Saṁyama in 2000. ( Patañjali: पतञ्जलि ; samādhi: समाधि ; samyama: संयम ; sūtra: सूत्र ; yoga: योग ; yogin: योगिन् )
  • Yoga Sutra Class Darshan
    These questions and their answers from Baba Hari Dass were recorded by transcripts taken in darśana after the Yoga Sūtra Class. While the class covered one sūtra in detail, the Q and A was not always focused on the topic of that teaching. ( darśana : दर्शन ; sūtra : सूत्र ; yoga : योग )