The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali Class Recordings

These classes follow a traditional presentation of the Yoga Sūtra of Patañjali with commentaries by Baba Hari Dass, Swami Vyāsa as translated by Swami Hari Harananada, and by Reverend Jaganath Carrera.


Collections of this Community

Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • Book I: Samadhi Pada
    This collection preserves the teaching of the entire system of Yoga outlined in Book I by Patañjali where in the two conditions of the mind are explained and the methods for turning the mind inwards and achieving Samadhi.
  • Book II: Sadhana Pada
    This collection records the serial teaching of methods for those aspirants by outlining three practices of Kriyā Yoga, austerity, study, and surrender to God. Book II teachings elaborate on the theory of Yoga describing ...
  • Book III: Vibhuti Pada
    This collection preserves the teachings of Book III wherein the description of supernormal powers that can be the result of Yoga practice. The three internal limbs of Aṣṭāṅga Yoga are the subject of these items.
  • Book IV: Kaivalya Pada
    This Collection preserves the teachings of Book IV which address the concept of liberation, or that non dual state which is the goal of Yoga.